
The Virgo Baby

My friend Trina sent this to me a few months ago. I thought it was interesting....

The Virgo Baby

Right from birth, the Virgo baby is a perfectionist. A daily routine is what keeps the Virgo baby happiest. Although she does not demand much, the Virgo baby can be very fussy about her needs being met. Once the baby has settled into her daily routine, parents should ensure that there is no deviation from it. If her routine is changed in the slightest, they will find themselves with a very disgruntled baby.

The Virgo baby is easy to pacify. Her primary concerns are her room and food. This baby is not the flashy kind. She will be happy with clean clothing and simple food. If her needs are met, she will not demand your attention for hours. The Virgo baby prefers to be alone and is capable of finding her own ways and means of amusing herself. This baby is likely to be highly intelligent. She will probably begin speaking before she is a year old. This baby will be ever ready to help out others. However, she is also shy, so most of her accomplishments will go unnoticed unless you keep an eye out for them. This is a fastidious child -- her eye for detail is beneficial but she needs to learn what's important. She loves cleanliness and tidiness. Her powers of discrimination may make her a choosy eater. She loves to please -- rejection will be very deeply felt. She is curious and interested in many things, always prepared to apply herself fully to the learning process.

Personality key: Analytical, clever, efficient, critical, fastidious, precise, methodical, careful and modest.

Parent power: Baby Virgo's self-confidence will grow in direct proportion to the praise she receives.
The Virgo Child

August 23 - September 22

Symbol: Virgin
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Birthstone: Sapphire
Color: Violet
Compatibility: Taurus, Capricorn

As Children: Virgos are cautious, discreet, and industrious. Little Virgos are self-assured and learn quickly. Virgo kids are sensitive to their surroundings and have a thirst for knowledge, and may worry too much. They are careful with details and view things with a critical eye. The Virgo child is methodical and spends little time speculating on the unknown.

Later in Life: Virgos want facts; in business they work for greater improvements. They're persevering, ingenious, and intelligent, but rarely make changes unaided. Virgos succeed well as trusted executive assistants or political figures. Virgo persons generally rise in life through their own merits.
Famous Virgos: William Howard Taft, 27th US President: Sept. 15; Leonard Bernstein, composer: Aug. 25; Lily Tomlin, entertainer: Sept. 1; Grandma Moses, painter: Sept. 7

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