
9 months = Crawling

It finally happened. Coco turned 9 months old and she figured out how to crawl! She has been moving around in every way but the traditional crawl for the past month but she was having a hard time figuring out how to go forward. She is so cute! She is using her foot to push her along but at least she's going forward! We had to take her downstairs to practice because the hardwood upstairs is a little tough on her knees...

Her 9 month appointment went good but she is still a little runt. She only weighs 15 lbs 10 oz and is in the 5th percentile for weight. She is a good eater so I guess it must be in the genes. My Grandma Schwendiman told me that my Aunt Wendy only weighed 32 pounds when she started 1st grade!

This is such a fun age and she is learning all kinds of new tricks. She plays peek a boo all by herself and is constantly hiding her eyes and waiting for someone to say "where's Coco". She recently learned how to clap and has been waving bye bye on command for the past 3 weeks. I need to get those tricks on film too.. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

sara said...

Thanks for posting the videos..boy do we miss the little peanut. What a big girl she is now. I am sure she is really proud of herself. I love the little leg thing.
Don't worry about her size. Dylan was not even on the charts he was so small until like 4th grade.
She is just darling, miss you guys!